Thursday, 16 December 2010

Autumn leaves and abstract images in Photography Club

Photo by Oliver Green (Year 9)

Each term, Leckford Place students take part in a variety of clubs and extracurricular activities – and every so often we'll give an insight into what the children have been up to by profiling a particular activity. So today we have a report from the Photography Club, which meets on a Wednesday afternoon each week.

This term we have considered more subjects than ever before and some truly wonderful shots have been taken by our group – a couple of which are featured in this post. We have looked at the landscape, macro, portraits, movement and creating abstract images. We have spent a lot of time looking at trees, particularly because the autumn colours have been so special this year.

A few of our keener students have even upgraded their gear, having developed a very healthy interest. I do hope they will continue to observe the world around them during the holidays.

— Report by Oliver Stone (Club leader & Head of Spanish)

Photo by Tom Leavey (Year 9)