Monday 29 April 2013

Jack Turner's Live Below the Line challenge!

Jack Turner of Year 8 will this week be taking part in the Live Below the Line challenge, an innovative awareness and fundraising campaign that's making a huge difference in the fight against extreme poverty.

The campaign is challenging people to eat for just £1 per day for five days, aiming to bring to life the hunger, boredom and logistical challenges that the 1.4 billion people currently living in extreme poverty experience each day.

Jack's Mum, Dad and younger brother and sister are also taking part in the challenge - so this family of five will need to be fed for just £25 this week. Breakfast today was some wheat biscuits while lunch will consist of an apple, a carrot and two Nutella sandwiches. Dinner throughout the week will be plain rice or spaghetti. Pretty tough going for a 13 year old boy!

Jack has already exceeded his original fundraising target but can still support him! Please visit

Live Below the Line participants can choose which charity will benefit from the money raised by sponsorship. The family have decided to raise money for Opportunity International - find out more at 

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