Wednesday 12 June 2013

Maths Enrichment Day with Uffington Primary School

 Earlier today we welcomed 18 children and four members of staff from Uffington Primary School to work with Sarah in the Maths department, with assistance very kindly provided by our Year 10 students.

The pupils from Years 4, 5 and 6 spent the morning engaged in fun and exciting activities, in the process learning all about the importance of pi. They measured all the circles they could find in the playground - everything from plant pots to minibus wheels had their circumferences and diameters caclulated and recorded, the results charted and analysed for patterns.

A well-deserved break for lunch was followed by a pi recitiation competion - the winning pupil managed to recite pi to 17 decimal places!

Thank you to all concerned but especially Sarah who was described on more than one occasion as ‘an inspirational teacher’! A further selection of photos can be seen on the Uffington Primary School website:

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