Friday, 28 June 2013

Wishing Thame, Evenlode, Windrush and Isis a very happy retirement...

Today marked the end of an era at d'Overbroeck's Leckford Place. Our four houses, Windrush, Thame, Isis and Evenlode (named after rivers flowing in or around Oxford) were formally retired during an all-school assembly hosted by Martin Procter, Head of Sport. However, the mourning must end as all is not lost!

Our Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 students were, upon arrival in the Hall, directed to one of three seating sections. Martin then explained some of the reasons behind the decision to move from a four house system to three newly-formed houses. The main aim is to encourage greater (but still very friendly!) competition between the houses in all aspects of school life and to have a much clearer system of point scoring and recording.

Charity work will form a key part of the new system, with the members of each house voting to nominate two charities at the beginning of the year - one local, one national or international. The house with the greatest number of points at the end of the year will have a donation made to each of their nominated charities.

Which brings us on to the most important part of all - the names of the new houses! They are as follows:

Cooper - Captain Hamza A Khan, Vice-Captain Clare Herring
Morris - Captain Natasha Hackett, Vice-Captain Kester McLennan
Austin - Captain Harry Balkwill, Vice-Captain Genevieve Reeves

Some of more the eagle-eyed amongst you will have spotted a link between these three seemingly random names. However, the mysterious Martin hinted at possible multiple layers to the naming so it would be wise to keep an open mind!

We all look forward to this exciting new phase in the life of our house system!

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