Friday, 28 June 2013

Year 11 GCSE Art exhibition

Year 11 Art students exhibited their work earlier this week. Many of the artists were in attendance and the event gave parents a unique opportunity to view the full breadth of our GCSE students' major coursework pieces.

Chloe stands alongside two of her pieces, one a multimedia collage and the other a beautifully drawn triptych of her horse.

Sophie stands between her three artworks.

Lydia's self portrait was a striking highlight of the exhibition.

Ben's display demonstrated his range of artistic talents.

Amelia's statue provided an impressive welcome to the exhibition.

Cole stands alongside two of her pieces, including a Lichtenstein-influenced painting.

Unfortunately not at all our artists were able to join us - this eye-catching piece was by created by Cassandra.

Johnny's diptych carried a clear Jackson Pollock influence.

 Another of Chloe's creations, with her visible horses in the background.

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